the illegal practice of trading on the stock exchange to one's own advantage through having access to confidential information.
by sppoooppy February 4, 2017
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Insider Trading is an illegal form of stock trading. It involves a person who uses their knowledge that the public doesn't know to trade stocks and make moves on their company. This illegal because the public doesn't know about this meaning that Insider trading gives
John got busted from Insider Trading
by Infernoflame July 14, 2021
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RobinHood committed insider trading when they turned off all buying of popular stocks such as GME, BB, NOK, BBY, AMC, after their financial partners were losing money.
by Radibro January 28, 2021
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When you get the lowdown on your assets and the government gets its period over it. One of the cell bitches once your tossed in jail, ultimately leading to one of the quickest ways to gauge your asshole.
Large inmate: "What you in for fuck boy?"
You: "insider trading dawg."
Large inmate: "hope you like triple doubles bitch."
by insensitive and unfiltered November 14, 2014
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Someone in the work place who get special treatment from "higher ups" with no way on how or why that person gets special treatment.
Tommy is always on his phone and the manager says nothing to him. I think he's part of the Inside Booty Trade.

I swear Karan can walk in 15 minutes late no punishment but I walk in a minute late I get scold. She got to be part of the Inside Booty Trade
by theband12 October 9, 2019
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