Using a raw, uncooked, girthy potato to insert it into the anus for sexual pleasure. Provides a similar full feeling like being fisted.
Sandy was super horny and her ass was craving action so she lubed up an Idaho potato and gave herself a Tater Fist.
by Eaton Holgoode April 18, 2015
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That girl is sexy as fuck. I'm gonna put a picture of her in my spank bank and whip a tater
by Frusterbate February 20, 2012
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When someone hates on something everyone else loves.
Guy 1: "Man, I hate Samuel L. Jackson. "
Guy 2:"What a Tater Hater!"
by The Bad Boxxy Johnny November 3, 2011
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It's when you have an unprecedented pressure build up in your stomach, and you are 100% sure that you are going to drop a gigantic log, however, when you sit on the bowl and drop it, all that comes out is an enormous fart and a tiny turd the size of a tater tot.
I had ambitions of dropping a pepperoni roll out of my ass, but instead I pushed a tater shot.
by Harpster February 4, 2009
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When a man cums inside a woman and punches the woman's vagina until it becomes numb. When she is on her period, the blood can add a nice cranberry flavor/ look. Heating up the semen in a plastic bag can give the girl a nice sensation and act as the gravy.
Tyler was mashing taters so hard Averie couldn't walk for weeks
by ten_leprechauns April 7, 2017
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1. v. An old turn-of the century baseball term for hitting a homerun, derived from the original backyard baseball homerun, when a potatoe was hit with a stick.

2. v. To hit a sexual "homerun", or more simply, to have sexual intercourse.

3. v. (a) To recieve a hand-job. (b) To mastubate.
1. Look at Babe Ruth jackin' the 'tater!

2. Babe ruth jacked the 'tater with a hottie last night.

3. (a) That hottie jacked his 'tater. (b) But she didn't finish so he had to jack his own 'tater.
by distancerunner143 February 8, 2010
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