A high-speed, full contact sport utilizing sticks and balls. Played by closet homosexuals that possess a severe inferiority complex to the more popular games of american football and baseball. So called "athletes" run around with fishnets trying to throw a rubber ball into a net. A complete cluster-fuck of a mix between hockey, football, soccer.
Tom: I like football, and I like hockey and baseball too. I'm not sure if I'm good enough to play any of those though. I don't want to play soccer because that's gay.

James: Try lacrosse.

Tom: Yeah that's a good idea bro. Wanna go home and measure each other's dicks?

James: Dude...
by James Caffeine February 11, 2011
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a sport for those who dont suck cock with there baseball buddies. furthermore, lacrosse players get much more cunt then n e one else!!
I get so much cunt on the streets that it falls out of my pockets when i walk. this guy allmosst stepped on some of my cunt one time. I play lacrosse
by Keeganator March 13, 2005
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The worst sport in the world EVER. In USA it is what 'hardcore' guys do but in good ol' England it is just a lesbian private school game for girls. You have to play it in the rain and mud and cold with lezbo games teachers trying to look at your ass.
Lesbian Freak: Yo lets go play some lacrosse!
Me: No way you freakin eejit.
by Nikki March 10, 2005
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best sport ever
if ur good u can get into any college u want even if you are partially retarded since no one plays
it should be the national passtime cause it was invented by native ameruicans who were here first....and its not gay
all the people saying it's gay obiviously play baseball or have no athletic ability/ cant run for their lives
the uk lacrosse IS gay...what about the uk isnt?.... but WE DONT LIVE IN THE UK
stupid kid: lacrosse is so gay cause its played by lebiens in the uk so im gonna go home and sit on my fat ass like a good little american

nomal kid: u are the stupidest fattest thing i have ever seen and if u played lacrosse u could drop 60 lb in a week go to a D-1 school and possibly have a girlfriend.....
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The worst f-ing sport in the world. In USA its is a real 'hardcore' guy sport but in good ol' England it's just a lesbian private school girls sport. You have to plau it in the mud and the cold with lezbo games teachers staring at your ass.
Lacrosse wierdo: How about spending our lunch break playiong lacrosse!!! Wild!

Me: Get a life you freak.
by Nikki March 10, 2005
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Bitch: *hating on lacrosse"
Bro: "bitch, just chill, crack open a natty and chill."
by brosef2.0 May 3, 2011
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a sport that guarantees mad vagina. also includes sandwiches and call of duty.
Joe plays lacrosse, so his woman shuttles in sandwiches and gives him blow jobs while he plays call of duty.
by laxrgohome111 February 27, 2011
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