ficking is the action of lightly bruising a person with a shovel
oh how i would love to fick luka
by fickmedady November 25, 2021
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Fick is the best middle school gang ever started.

Founders: Jordan, Jayden, and Dylan
What the fick bro, fick gang for lyfe!!
by Jjdfickgang August 2, 2018
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Either you are trying to say “fuck” in German, or you made a typo.
“Fick, I shitted it’s all up
by Startupedition May 21, 2023
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to break something that is already broken.
I will Fick that T.V
by SSmmaarrtt July 14, 2019
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usually used when ur rlly pissed. an alternative to "fuck".
person 1: "i dont like black ppl"
person 2: "U RACIST FICK"
by i hate ppl December 12, 2018
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When frick or flip won’t do and you wanna say fuck but your around your parents or some kids and you just be like ‘aah... fick!’
“The video gaming day has been cancelled.”
“Arg... arh... aah... fick fick fickin fickledees!’
by SliceJosiah January 7, 2020
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A cross between the words fuck and dick. easier to say than Fucking Dick. used to describe a very annoying person.
Paula: Dude, did you hear? Jack cheated on your sister with Stephanie.
Bob: Seriously? What a Fick.
by yurmumgey May 11, 2018
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