Snake is a Fatneek, Nigerian 5´11 named Ksi, that promised his loyal indian friend that he would split the money but he lied and stole all his money.
Friend: "WOW look there is a snake".
by Ksi is a Snake October 5, 2020
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Someone who you thought was your friend but stabs you in the back, or does something for it to affect you badly
Chloe just told Natalie what I said about her

What a snake
by Valleygurl125 October 2, 2016
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A move used to stop a conversation or to simply annoy people.

How to:
When someone is talking, move your right hand under the left armpit of the talker. Emit an upward force on your arm and stretch until not possible.
Harry used a snake move to annoy James.
by CobraStrike June 16, 2011
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An animal that lacks any bones, has fangs, and may or may not produce venom. Aren't actually scary creatures, and give great hugs.
I was surprised when I felt something traveling around my abdomen, but I was relieved to realize it was just my pet snake, giving me a hug.
by Haemophilia November 9, 2013
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1) Large reptile that can either poison or eat things

2) To sneak, steal or be lucky

3) Short for Snake Plissken of Escape from New York

4) Short for Solid Snake of the Metal Gear series
1) AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGH!!! I've just been poisoned by a snake.

2) You're some snakey cunt, boy.

3) Call me Snake

4) Meryl.....
by Snake July 12, 2004
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(N) a really hot guy, sometimes separated into the classifications from garden being not so hot, to the king cobra which is VERY hot
That boy is such a snake......Slither....slither
by Lynne and Melissa October 8, 2005
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A snake is when the shit in your large intestine solidifies into one solid piece of crap, measuring the length of the intestine. This turd then comes out of your ass in one LOOOOOOOONG piece, often coiling five times just to fit in the bowl. The pain can also cause you to make hissing sounds.
by Bojojo2 July 11, 2011
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