When you look up something innocent on Urban Dictionary and get an inappropriate definition.
Person: *looks up cookie*
Definition: "A girl's-
Person: "ew stop"
by SixTwix January 2, 2020
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Term referring to a good play in fortnite or JV Hockey
Ew Beauty, gross shot pussy
by delilah42069 March 11, 2021
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A term relating to a incredible hockey or video game play
Ew Beauty! That was a gross play!
by delilah42069 March 10, 2021
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How a Chav would say "your mum"
Person 1 "What did you do last night dearest steven?"
Person 2 "Well, I started off with cleaning the kitchen then I did ew muvva"
by chav slit 69 August 30, 2019
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what you call someone after they fire a no u

someone who has a dry taste in memes and uses pointless subjects such as zodiac signs to show their superiority.

they also bite people's hands, gets higher in pitch when they're angry and are probably a midget.

ew no u 's normally have names like Hanna and Ezra.
you: fluorine uranium carbon potassium uranium

them: no u

you: ew no u

them: *gasps*
by danisaman.com April 12, 2019
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To hit a female sheep with your hand.
Jane: What are you going to do if that sheep causes you a problem?

Bubba: I will Slap Ewe then!
by Billy BullSchitter April 21, 2016
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