18 definitions by Billy BullSchitter

1. Prick -- used to describe the action of making a small hole in an object with a sharp and/or pointed object.

2. Prick -- the slang name for the male sexual organ which is also known as a penis.

3. Prick -- the description or name someone (the first person) may call another person (the second person) when the first person believes the second person is an outright ass whole.
(Note: the (1), (2), (3) below, referrers to the corresponding definition number above.)

(a) While picking a few wild blackberries, the limb on the blackberry bush sprung forward while Johnny attempted to pee discreetly in the blackberry bushes. The thorns on the blackberry bush pricked (1) a hole in Johnny’s prick (2) which resulted in Johnny spilling all of his blackberries. Billy, an outright prick (3), laughed at Johnny and told everyone about Johnny gettings his prick pricked causing Johnny much embarrassment.

(b) Billy pushed Johnny and Johnny fell backwards onto a board with a sharp nail sticking out of it causing Johnny to prick (1) a hole in his new pants. Johnny screamed out loud when the nail pricked (1) him in his prick (2) causing Johnny much pain. Johnny told Billy he was a worthless prick (3) for causing him to prick (1) a hole in his new pants and for hurting his prick (2).
by Billy BullSchitter April 23, 2017
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To hit a female sheep with your hand.
Jane: What are you going to do if that sheep causes you a problem?

Bubba: I will Slap Ewe then!
by Billy BullSchitter April 21, 2016
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It is a “term of endearment”, giving to one ex-wife that has screwed you, a man over, taking, his kids, his house, his furniture, his clothes, his business equipment, and his dog. She has caused him to lose his job(s) and keeps him from finding any meaningful employment, or any job to pay his child support, so she has him arrested and thrown in jail, she is a completely unfair, lying and discussion two timing person.
Miriam, (we will say Miss Smith) demands to know when you are going to pay her child support so she can purchase a new car for herself. Mrs. Smith, "Keith, I want my money now, all of it, or you are going to jail”. Keith, “but I will lose my job and I am paying the best I can”. Miss Smith, “who gives a shit!” “I want my money now, and I want that solid gold crown tooth that you had taken out of your mouth, that you had since you were a child, I want that, it was to be mine, you own me.” Tom, "who is that ugly mean bitch." Keith, "that is my x-wife, she is such a worthless bitch! She never does anything to earn money, just takes it from the kid’s child support money and uses it for herself. Tom, you were actually married to that? Tom, I agree, she comes across as a stupid worthless bitch. Tom, I bet you are glad to be out of that marriage." Keith, "Yes, I am glad I only have to put up with that shit from a distance, that worthless bitch!
by Billy BullSchitter April 5, 2017
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A condition when the Fecal Impaction of the Colon is so solid and an has become an immobile bulk mass of human feces that develops one's rectum as it has a resulted in a solid mass of constipation in one's ass, such that, it feels as if it is, “Chocked Full O' Nuts” which will not pass under normal circumstances and may have to be dug out with one's fingers or similar tools. i.e., "to shit a brick!"
Tommy: "You ok in their… Won?"

Won: "Oh yes yes, me mighty fine, it is my ass that is the problem, and I am in a state of constipated and my ass is full of Asteroids and feels like it is Chocked Full O' Nuts”.

Jim: "What's the hold up with you two guys in this restroom; it’s time to watch the game."

Tommy: "Oh, it's Won; again, he say's his butt is so clogged up with Asteroids that he just can't shit and is in a lot of pain.

Jim: "What?"

Joe: "Oh, hell you guys, I have been telling you for years that Won is just full of shit."

Jim: “What a crock of shit, we are going to miss the game.”

Bobby: “Who gives a shit?”

Tommy: “Well, evidently Won does!”
by Billy BullSchitter April 23, 2017
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What you say to a telephone cold call solicitor when they use your minutes in an unsolicited call to your phone.
Caller: Hi my name is Tina and we are looking for someone to install a Free Alarm System in your home.... You: FUCK OFF!
by Billy BullSchitter January 5, 2016
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Up yours” is a multi-word consisting of the adverb “up”, which generally indicates the direction looking away from earth toward the sky and “yours” is a possessive pronoun used to show possession or belonging to a person.
Tom: Say baby, you want to go out on a date this weekend we could have some fun.
Suzie: No Tom, I do not like you, you have a huge beer gut, I do not date men like you.
Tom: up yours bitch!
by Billy BullSchitter August 1, 2016
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Sardineized: The act of being picked into something or into some place, or into some situations so tight that you feel as if you are packed into that area so tight, you feel like you are packed in this tight place as if you were packed inside a can full of Sardines (A "Sardine" is the common name used to refer to various small, oily fish within the herring family, normally packaged tight into a small confining can when prepared and ready to eat), Thus; you have gotten the feeling of being “Sardineized”.
Example: Billy bob, " I am so packed into this Tuxedos that it is so tight and their are so many people in this sheep barn at this wedding reception of Becky Lue’s, that I am simply becoming Sardineized. I can't take it any more, this starched pink lacey shirt makes me feel so gay, and I even had to use deodorant to come to Becky Lue's party. I have got to get out of here. I just need to get out of this monkey suit, get me some beers, and go fish'n.
by Billy BullSchitter October 9, 2016
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