Eyeballing or casing someones property , either for criminal purposes or just coveting something or things that you might want or like.
" The homeless person was grinch-Hawking the other homeless persons backpacks and electronic devices when the person noticed the person snapped back "" Hey!! You better stop grinch- Hawking my stuff , if anything comes up missing I'm going to Molly womped !!""
" The homeless person was grinch-Hawking the other homeless persons backpacks and electronic devices when the person noticed the person snapped back "" Hey!! You better stop grinch- Hawking my stuff , if anything comes up missing I'm going to Molly womped !!""
by Soberscott0 January 7, 2023
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When you’re too drunk/stupid to realise that you’re the but of the jokes but you’re just happy to be apart of the fun
That guy keith was absolutely hawked last night when we were laughing at him when he didn’t even notice.
by hughiedooley March 16, 2021
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Hawking Radiation is known to be black-body radiation that many scientists or Hawking predicts that is predicted to be released by many black holes. It is also known to reduce the mass and rotational energy created by black holes and therefore is called or AKA black hole evaporation. Black holes that are known to not gain more mass would most likely vanish or automatically disappear and explode about two times the Hiroshima-Nagaski explosion combined.
Boy: Is Hawking Radiation Reliable?
Teacher: Yes, but there are some problems as known as the Trans-Planckian problem.
by Matthew Paano Torres June 25, 2020
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Its Christmas but with Hawks based stuff. Hawks is a character in my hero academia.
Happy Hawks-mas
by Hawks-simp December 23, 2020
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Combination mohawk, haircut and a goatee beard.
Dood, you're looking way cool with your hawk n tee.
by Jimmy the Dick April 23, 2009
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Being dragged butt naked like a soldier from the movie black hawk down.
James was black hawk down after Lupe's brothers found her he had been beating her.
by thenewdictionarywriter October 30, 2023
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The act of using whirl wind dick to stimulate the clitoris of a female, by building speed in the spin then moving in for collision. The longer you maintain the spin the better chance you have to produce a explosion of sorts that can leave the legs shaking.
I pulled out and finished her with the Black Hawk down.
by KFC cat caller March 13, 2022
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