48 definitions by Mr. Twinkieface

The air control room in Among Us. The name comes from O₂, the chemical formula for an oxygen molecule.
It wasn't me; I was in O2.
by Mr. Twinkieface November 20, 2020
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to pat someone’s crotch to find out if they are a boy or a girl
That weirdo just tried to pull a Goku on me!
by Mr. Twinkieface January 11, 2021
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A more efficient and inclusive way to say “amen and awomen.”
In Jesusname we pray, apeople.
by Mr. Twinkieface January 25, 2021
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Posting something really risky on Reddit that you really want to post but that you know you'll get downvoted a lot or even banned for.
My friend committed snooicide about Minecraft: Caves & Cliffs last night.
by Mr. Twinkieface October 9, 2020
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What the mouth should really be called.
They touched their salivanises together and kissed.
by Mr. Twinkieface November 19, 2020
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someone who likes sherbet in Sprite
If you like sherbet in Sprite, comment "I am a Mormon!"
by Mr. Twinkieface September 27, 2020
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