In works of fiction; the use/revelation of a character’s sexuality to advance the plot. Similar to Deus ex Machina, but gayer.
Girl 1: “Omg, Madonna was literally dying till she realised she was actually in love with Shakira, then she got up and started dancing! That’s the power of love for you.”

Girl 2: “No, that’s the power of Gayus ex Machina and bad storytelling.”
by XaneiFoxx May 12, 2020
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Exactly what it sounds like
“Dude last night I was text-an-ex drunk
“How’d it go”
I’m gonna be a father man”
by bdix02 July 19, 2020
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Someone who was raised by redneck parents and refuses to act like a fucking retard.
Friend: "Man, expletive you are such a redneck."

expletive: No, you idiot, i'm an ex-redneck.
by Expletiveperson101 November 28, 2012
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The person who was part of the most significant or meaningful relationship that you used to be in, but aren't anymore. You can have more than one ex, but you can only have one significant ex.
The other day, I ran into that guy/girl I went out with for a little while and it was pretty akward. Glad it wasn't my significant ex at least!
by Shmooboo March 22, 2015
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He was a nice guy ig djbujgh I'm kidding he was actually the best bf you'll ever met but we broke up anyways love his curly brown fluffy hair :D
by Le??? May 17, 2022
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a michto that is a backstabbing bitch. She does not deserve his yeezys
by gooly October 14, 2018
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