15 million Scoville bare minimum. This bitch will knock your socks off like a dog in World War II. Take this shit with a megaton of milk, and yogurt, because without the correct rations, it could be your one way ticket to the grave. Be sure to have the U.S. arm y forces on your side for this one pal, it'll blow you away into a storm of strong emotions. Once you're finished fighting the big ass war of a fight, you'll become immortal to all spices, you'll join the X-Men for your amazing ability.
by ErockTheParty December 9, 2018
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The act of non-consensual violent anal rape in a restauraunt bathroom of a straight male by a gay male.
Mike got a little crushed pepper from the waiter at Gordon Biersche after the hockey game last night. He was so happy...or was he?
by Finley029 August 7, 2008
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When you give an extremly sassy person drugs, and they become chill af.
Harold: I gave Monica some weed yesterday and she was a fucking chill pepper.

Taylor: Thank the heavens. She never gets off her fucking high horse.

by saltybitch123 December 8, 2015
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An easy target to roast. A person who is always doing things that make it easy for others to make fun of him
Antonio is always wearing his cap backwards. He's such a bell pepper.
by Furanone August 2, 2019
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A type of pepper shaped like a bell.
Bell peppers are sometimes in fijitas.
by w0wboi April 14, 2018
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the act of accidentally using salt on food, when the intent was to pepper the food, but since the salt n' pepper shakers were not see through, the wrong season was added
after shaking the shaker upside down vigorously and not seeing little black flakes appear on your plate, you notice that you accidentally seasoned your food with a massive amount of salt instead of the pepper.

"Ughh....the mashed potatoes were pepper-meant! Now they are ruined!"
by cnicht November 30, 2009
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