Usually when a girl say I’m fine she’s not so I would keep asking her and if she doesn’t admit she’s not ok. Then let her be. She might want to be left alone.
“Hey, are you ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine”

Are you sure?”

“No. I feel like I’m not worth it and no body loves me anymore. I’m just not happy.”
by Megan Sloan June 1, 2020
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Usually used as a lie when you don’t care to bother explaining what’s wrong
by Poisonous Potato July 29, 2018
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I’m fine is two words that woman/girls use to say get me food right now or you will be sleeping bunch longer than you want to
Guy: Hey are you still mad about the fight earlier?
Girl: Nope. I’m fine.
by notmidgirlisboss January 24, 2022
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1Mostly used as a reply to “How are you?” Or “U ok?”.

2Under specific and varying circumstances it is used when the person who says it is trying to be passive-aggresive. Due to it’s commonality, it is ridiculed by the internet for being a cliche way to respond after an argument.
1“How are you?”
“I’m fine!”

2”Are you okay? Do you need some time?”
“I’m fine.”
by FitnessGram™ Pacer Test July 19, 2022
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A phrase that can be used in any situation, in a sarcastic tone, to make it seem ok or alright. It is also used when you don’t care about the situation.
General: “North Korea just launched a missile toward us!!”
President: “That’s Fine...”
by That’sFine👍🏼 December 4, 2017
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If someone is about to burst in tears but will not. This person is borderline-fine.
He was about the burst in tears and run away, but he did not. He was just borderline-fine.
by Jij Weet November 29, 2018
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