Donald Rumsfeld pithy description of an old southern saying.
Rumsfeld says 'unknown knowns', down here we say, 'He's so fucking stupid, not only doesn't he know nothin', he don't even suspect it.'
by pshaw August 3, 2014
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Unknown critical, or crit for short, is the best friend when it comes to needing a distraction, They Will manage to get you to think about pretty much anything else than the thing bothering you but they’re really bad at serious mental health stuff, as well as romance, they suck at romance. They love down talking themselves and gets mad at people of they say that they love crit. They’re the kind of friend that is so annoying but you love them too much to leave them.
Unknown critical is so weird
Ikr? Why are you friends with him?
He’s funny
by Zeddie366 September 5, 2022
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A animator with over 100 subs and makes animations, edits, and gameplay videos. He is known for making animations. Using the softwares called “Flipaclip” and “sticknodes”.
Thank you for reading Unknown Animates definition!
by Cooper Burk September 14, 2023
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A youtuber that animates and does edits. He is a youtuber with 107 subs (for right now) and he’s a game player most known for animations and roblox videos.
Unknown Animates Is a YouTuber and animator and gameplayer.
by Cooper Burk November 27, 2022
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"Hey, do you know Unknown CT" - No Name
"Of course, he's the gaffer and big bo$$ trapper" - OG CEO'$ User
by da3t July 24, 2023
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This word means:
Do you have a friend group?, are they all girls? well, are you really close?
If you're all of the above you'd call your group the: Unknown-Sisters!
It's like your sisters from different parents!
So next time treat your "Sisters" nicely!
Diya: Guys what should we call our group?
Eva: What about the "Unknown-Sisters!"
by Moriah Elizabeth's Fan! August 30, 2022
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