Having a pad in one's underwear, as a result of menstruation.
Girl 1: Why ain't you having sex with your boyfriend? You seem so tense.

Girl 2: I didn't want no sex, since I'm on the rag.

Girl 1: I thought you might be. I see some blood on your white skirt.

Girl 2: OMFG
by FemalePower August 12, 2011
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To fuck someone hard, all night, in various harcore positions. Not a romantic way to have sex, but good for one night stands after you've just split up with your ex and need some hard ass fucking.
"Did you pull last night?"

"I didn't just pull, I took her home and ragged her harsh too."
by Gma June 3, 2005
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to drive in a race driver like manor, abusing the vehicle by the style of driving a achieve maximum performance.
oi son, if you dont stop ragging this things gonna pop!
by fergz November 8, 2007
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1. To sex someone

2. To make fun/give someone a hard time about something

3. Girls are 'on this' during menstration
1. 'Hey Bro I totally ragged that girl last night'

2. 'Yeah he ended up having sex with the 60 year old'

'gross man, I take it you've ragged him hard about it'

3. 'Dude what's up with her today?'

'dunno, probably on the rag'
by donkeystuff11 February 12, 2009
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In poker, cards that have little chance of winning.
Rags on the flop, so I went all-in on my pocket nines.
by Coell May 13, 2005
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Random Ass Girl/Guy.

1.A random unknown person your friend brings home.

2. A random unknown person your friend brings to an event.

3. A random unknown unexpected person your friend brings to hang out.
My roommate is driving me crazy because he's always bringing home RAGs!

Why did he bring that RAG to my birthday?

I hate when she brings a RAG out with us. It was supposed to be girls night.
by Illusion36 September 3, 2013
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A peice of cloth like material used to clean up messes
Person 1 "Oh shi*t i spilled my juice!"
Person 2 "Here wipe it up with this Rag"
by TurtleTj July 4, 2009
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