A bunch of socialist British bands who were already famous in Great Britain who came to America and the second they got here started singin about how disgruntled they was about the American way of life.They disgruntled an entire generation with their drugs and their music and to this day this country is still FUCKED because of it.
British Invasion is when a bunch of commie-socialist faggots come to your country and fuck it up beyond repair for decades with their gayness and their tree-killing hippie bullshit!!!!!
by fuck you faggots September 2, 2005
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you know that burning itching sensation you feel in your crotch..... yeah thats an invasive species
i think i'v caught an invasive species downtown
by peseudonym67868783764872638 October 17, 2014
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When your partner fucks you with a denim strap on while using maple syrup as lubrication.
I thought that trying a Canadian home invasion would ruin my new sheets, but Tide got that shit out no prob!
by Chel Crow December 3, 2015
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The act of luring someone to your own house or apartment under false pretenses for a robbery or other criminal purposes.

A tactic usually used by drug dealers and prostitutes so the victim is less likely to come forward and to have better control over the situation as opposed to a regular home invasion where someone may have weapons etc.
1: Bro, i answered a craigslist ad for casual sex with this woman and when i showed up at her house 4 dudes jumped me and stole all my shit.
2: Damn bro, hit you with the reverse home invasion huh?
by zerogroup November 9, 2018
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When a large number of people wear The North Face jackets in a given area. This is also, but not limited to, other products of The North Face.
Robert: Hey Josh, look at all those people over there wearing The North Face jackets.
Josh: Yeah, it's like a North Face invasion.
by Josh1015 January 24, 2007
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The bri christmas invasion or also known as bri Xmas invasion or just bri invasion is a pfp(profile picture) "Cult" started on the video sharing app TikTok by the user @r0ger.taylors.car the picture they are using as their pfp is a picture of the guitarist of the English rock band queen brian harold may.
Person 1: Hey have you heard of the new pfp cult going around?

Person 2: oh the bri christmas invasion? Yeah! I just joined a few days ago.
by sparklyalienstan November 10, 2022
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When a guy or girl does not go slow or easy on their partner who is having sex for their first time.
Guy 1: So you finally had sex with Tonya last night? Was she a virgin?
Guy 2: Yeah but I didn't hold nothing back man. I went right at that and fucked that pussy hard man. She was screaming my name and shit bro!
Guy 1: Ah, so you went for the full scale invasion I see.
by Tex-Mex Shawn C. November 23, 2010
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