When you are doing a bitch, while drunk as hell and slip your dick into her asshole pretending it was an accident
I gave this bitch a funky tito last night and she had no idea it was coming
by TheFunkyTito September 17, 2005
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The act of a man walking behind a woman and "accidentally"/(but really) on purpose brushing his penis up against her butt. He will then act as if he is sorry and embarassed with apologies to the girl.
A girl is standing at a crowded bar waiting to get the bartenders attention, a man comes up from behind funky roll's her and then acts as if somebody bumped him into her.
by AFTuck October 18, 2011
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A term used to discribe something that is cool, likeable or enjoyable that is also new.
"That shirt is funky fresh."
or "That beat is funky fresh."
by Amanda March 19, 2005
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To have one's gonads and penis (junk if you will) have an undesirable stench.
I have smelly genitals and people call me funky junk at my school
by Mitchell Smith April 11, 2008
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Foul smelling, odorous female genitalia. Putrid odor generally perceptible from a short 6 to 11 inch distance from the vagina in question. Extremely putrid, offensive to the senses when smelled on contact or in close proximity,malodorous. Noisome odor transferable on contact with anything,(IE) body parts including but not limited to fingers, clothing,female stimulation devices:dildos,vibrators, Ba Wa Balls etc.
(ex)Brian ended his relationship with Mildred because she had an unacceptably funky pussy

(ex)"Damn baby, please close your legs, that shit is humming! Sweetie, can't the Doctor give you something to freshen up your funky pussy? It's killing me and making my eyes water." said Brian.
by Pcisbs December 12, 2008
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Derived from the phrase or name "Funky Monkey". It is described as a person who expresses one's self in a funky and comical way, making no sense in their actions or words. One who is comically spontaneous resulting in no logical or mature explanation of their actions or outbursts. A person who sees themselves as funny, while others see them as odd or weird. One who does or says things, to entertain one's self at the disposal of others, such as telling jokes that make no sense, just to see the expressions on other's faces, and watching reactions from others.
Joe: "Hey man, did you see that? I just wiped my mind with a burger wrapper!"

Sam: "Dude....what's that suppose to mean?"

Joe: "Totally dude....I agree!"

Sam: "Bro...you are one crazy funky monker!"
by 2crazy2tell April 17, 2009
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to be evolving and developing your personality and having all kinds of fun while goin’ to your higher self
We be ascendin' funky all day
by ultraxen3000 August 2, 2023
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