When during the final stages of intercourse, the man completes his orgasm inside his partner's anus, then loweres his face in time for his partner to produce flatulance. This ejects semen combined with fecal matter (Doo-Doo butter) onto the man's face, resulting in a similar appearance to a snowy, speckled, large-footed, mythical mammal.
Last night, Schmidt gave his boyfriend an Alaskan Bigfoot Sneeze for his birthday.
by Fitzalicious May 17, 2018
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Bobo from Finding Bigfoot on Animal Planet is a questionable creature. Bobo, a notorious sasquatch, participates in the search of his bretheren with his three co-stars on the show. He secretly tells the sasquatches to hide as he speaks Boboeese.
"Bobo from Finding Bigfoot is a sasquatch himself. He speaks their lingo. He's the reason why we can't find any sasquatches!"
by The Tangible Laugh March 31, 2016
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A situation that is tremendously complicated and almost impossible to fix.
Charlotte: Did you hear about Brent's little escapade?
Chantel: No. What's an escapade?
Charlotte: Doesn't matter. He got caught by Lilli with her mom!!
Chantel: OMG! LOL! STFU!
Charlotte: Talking his way out of that one will be harrier than bigfoot's balls!!
by von groovy July 22, 2017
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a person who is a total creeper or a perv and says weird sexual things. Someone who trys to hook up with lil boys by acting like someone there not on facebook. Basically a pedophile.
Chris: Yo this person paul daigler added me on facebook hes trying to act like a girl he wants me to come over.

Cody: dude dnt talk to big hank hes a creeper

Chris: Hank da bigfoot/big hank is a rapist
by xwhitey15x July 1, 2010
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When you dip your scrotum into the bowl piece of a bong, then proceed to light your pubic hair on fire, which then creates smoke for you to inhale through the mouth piece.
Mikey went to grab the bong and i knew he was about to commit the bigfoot’s teabag.
by StrangeSak69 June 30, 2020
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The art of combining faulty logic, false correlations, and prejudices to come to incorrect conclusions. Commonly used by both "Bigfoot Researchers" and Trump supporters.
random noise in the woods Must be Bigfoot! broken tree trunk Sure sign of Squatch activity!

News that scientists studied Coronavirus variants

Bob: Them damn liberals created COVID in the first place!
Sounds like you have been watching Fox News, again, Bob - that's just Bigfoot Science.
by Bigfoot Scientist October 29, 2021
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Causes your feet to grow more then 16 inches long, the older you get the more hairier they become,If you shave you feet the hair will grow in twice as thick as before. Stay safe everyone
Son;“Mom why are my feet so big and hairy

Mom; “Because you were borne with a rare condition called Bigfootitis”
by RealLifeIssues January 13, 2022
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