The act of hopping a fence or otherwise entering a property for the purpose of having sexual intercourse with pets and/or livestock.
The locals were disgusted when they discovered that Bob had been fence hopping.
by assmurderer July 25, 2010
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When a homeowner constructs an extra tall fence on the section of his property that borders a neighbor's land that he hates. Can be made to obstruct a view, such as in a mountain range.

Garunteed to piss off the offending neighbor.
Dude 1: My neighbor wont tie up his damn dog. It keeps shitting on my lawn. I'm building a spite fence!

Dude 2: Damn good idea! That'll piss him off!
by Macgyverman1123 January 8, 2014
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Fence sitting, sitting on the fence, sitting on a fence, are all terms for someone who refuses to make a decision. Usually it describes someone who will not take a stand on two very defined and clearly opposing options/opinions. This can be both good and bad.
Clair was angry that Mandy occasionally used drugs; Mandy thought drug use should be legal. Angela was neither for nor against it, and sat on the fence about it, instead trying to calm her friends down.

The politician, when questioned on abortion, sat on the fence, never giving a clear opinion; he was afraid of losing support from the right or the left.
by JZ June 16, 2004
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To decide to avoid making a decision one way or another.
Girl 1: You coming to the movie with us?
Girl 2: No, she's coming to the club with us!
Girl 3: Umm, I need to think about this, I don't really want to have to choose.
Girl 1: She's just trying to sit on the fence.
by ZMan June 22, 2010
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Used as a word for Vicodin. Also can be said as just "Posts"
When you don't want to chance "The Man" hearing a drug deal.
Hey Roger, I just got a call from Pat,he's got 100 fence posts....5s for 2 bucks.
by phat dave August 18, 2007
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A very common activity among teenagers of Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada. The perpetrators kick in or body check a person's fence until it is smashed. It makes a boring night fun.
Yo we just bowled the fence at old man Oeuvray's trailer park!
by Dirty Dirty June 12, 2004
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