A SoundCloud rapper that’s music actually sounds good, and the best song he has out now is called “Syrup” Featuring Lil Rocket Launcher, Slump AK’s best friend. Syrup was so critically acclaimed because the audio was so bad, it was fire. The microphone Slump AK and Lil Rocket Launcher sounded like an Xbox 360 starter mic, and it added to the humor of the song. The beat was so unique, with its piano tone, meme sound effects, and even Scooby-Doo laughs.
Ayo turn in Slump AK
by Fagimus March 19, 2021
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To jack off violently and then go to sleep for the night
Bob: did you get any from your girl?

Joe: nah man I'm just gonna pump and slump
by Thetruth26 May 22, 2014
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A young nigga whos always tired but if you say lets party he's always ready to trap.
Aye lil slump you finna go to this party? "Hell yeah nigga wya?"
by Lil Slump November 29, 2017
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A state in which no anime can grab your attention or interest and you can't seem to invest yourself completely into any anime series you watch. Symptoms include boredom or disinterest, and inability to engage with what is happening on-screen. Person may still wish to watch anime but is somehow unable to get as much enjoyment out of it as before. Usually results in frequent dropping of series and picking up new series before dropping again.
I've been in a bit of an anime slump lately, I seem to keep getting bored so easily no matter what anime I watch.
by snackbomb November 20, 2015
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When your sitting in a car slumpin tunes (usually high) and annoying heads begin to role up from no where asking if you got pills, weed, alcohol, cigs, or whatever it might be....
Ya, I was posted up with garfunkle at 7eleven and three heads popped up askin if we had dank. We were chillin to those nigas slump slapped us
by CitizensPatrol November 13, 2009
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When second and third semester seniors stop doing their homework, give up on extra-curricular that actually requires work, develop mysterious illnesses, sleep until noon on a Tuesday, "forget" to go to gym class that just happens to clash with a sample sale and cut other classes to go home and hook up with their boyfriends or better have sex.
"Where is my Senior gym class?"
"Either still in bed asleep, in bed "ill" or in bed with each other."
"It's second semester, it must be the senior slump."
by LucieRibbons October 12, 2008
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the act of having sex out of desperation after an extended period of invoulontary abstinence.
"Hey Sean,dont you think that overweight amputee at the other side of the bar would make a good slump pump for Bryant?"
by Daniel Nunez December 23, 2007
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