Former Medical Term, abbreviation for "Premenstrual Syndrome".

A mysogynist term for the combination of
a)hormonal changes a woman undergoes that prepare her to menstruate and
b) the exhaustion caused by women not taking care of themselves at this time.

Often used to exonerate another person of guilt for wrongs they have done to the involved woman by minimising her reactions.
Bill: Jude, why's June crying?
Jude: Oh, I just said her cooking sucks and she needs to clean the house more often. She started crying and yelling about being unappreciated.
Bill: Oh, sounds like she's got PMS.
Jude: You got it, Bill.
by InaGoddessEye December 29, 2005
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Also called: Pre Masacre Syndrome

A time when it is legaly declared unsafe to be around a woman.

Common symtoms of this syndrome are random decapitations of men, extra homework, more chores, ear aches, head aches, loss of spines particularly in men, a loss of reproductive organs (also widely in men), and general HELL!
Innocent bystander 1: Wha..What is it?
Innocent bystandar 2: I don't know.

Woman infected with PMS roars and breathes fire

Bystandars are torched, and then run, with multipul explosions in the background.
by Uknowthename July 11, 2008
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Satan's plan to take over the world by possessing women bodies once every month to bring pain and chaos to mankind, specially men
Dude, my gf has been pissing me off all god damn day, must have PMS
by Rizaun February 26, 2009
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P = Punish

M = Men

S = Severly
She has PMS, so get the hell outta the way or die!!
by MySister April 8, 2008
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1. sucky moodswings
2. hell for the guys
3. pissiness
4. bitchiness
She broke up with you? She must be PMS-ing!
by its a secret! April 29, 2004
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Something invented by the boy-run media to make us seem crazy.
PMS was invented by the boy-run media to make us seem crazy.
by dinanotdiner September 7, 2020
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Girl- !@#$%!#$%?!
Guy- Woman, you must be having PMS.
by MJ_ November 16, 2006
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