One who pleads and beseeches massive cock in their mouth.
God Damn Sean is such a Cock Mongrel
by Skankable'n' F-Skeet October 19, 2007
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half up, mongrel, half mast, semi, drooper
When a male organ(penis) is half erect, not completely hard
I tried to have sex last night, but I was so drunk/munted, all I could manage was a garth mongrel!!
by big godzirra May 16, 2008
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a person who chases the cock at any length, regardless of knowing said cock, normally in a bar setting. will do anything for random cock as a street mongrel will eat random scraps of food.
ME: that chick was raping you with her eyes last night
BARTENDER: yeah but a shot of tequila and she forgets me and moves onto whoever looks at her titties next
ME: yeah, well, she's a cock mongrel
by jenn "b" ryan April 17, 2007
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Man he is a cock mongrel!
by Bob February 16, 2004
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The mongrel idiot walked by our city walls and was killed instantly.
by Elf Eater March 23, 2003
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term of abuse for anybody who pisses you off for whatever reason, to be a mongrel shit cunt is to be the lowest of the low
whilst out driving the other day a a bus driver pulled right out in front of me without indicating, as i sped past i shouted out of the window loudly , You fucking mongrel shit cunt
by dirtbox July 24, 2006
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To be; be like; or imitate joe. Also known as a complete ass hole; a dumbass
HAHA joe your a cock mongrel
by John the bro March 22, 2008
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