An A&E Television Show based around the every day life of Victoria Gotti, John Gotti's daughter, and her three teenage sons.
Did you see growing up gotti yesterday? THOSES GUYS ARE HOTT!
by SomeGirl34 December 30, 2005
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To be in agreeance with something. It's an expression to be used by itself.
by Martin L. June 3, 2005
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Wannabee farmer who dresses like a gumba. Walks around Vernon Park Place in either overalls with no shirt or a peach colored polyester pants suit from the 80s. Sings Sinatra songs to all the college kids as he walks by them going to Tufanos, where he has actually banned from for drinking in the buff.
Vernon Park Place Gotti looks like a real momo in that outfit and his voice is horrible. I wish he would just stick to drinking and crawling home. Oh, Baboso!
by Denzel wendell March 14, 2019
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A middle aged man who wanders Vernon Park Place wearing nothing but a robe and slippers while singing Frank Sinatra songs to the college students on their way to class
On my way to class I saw that guy singing Frank Sintra songs. I think that was that guy known as the Vernon Park place gotti
by Denzel wendell March 7, 2019
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It’s a joke where you can put an upside down ok symbol with your hand under your waist and trick someone to look at it
Random person: “hey I’m gonna tie my shoes”
Victim: (looks down and sees gotti symbol) “whoops
Random person: “GOTTI HAHAHAHA
by DSKE7 May 20, 2022
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The girl dem gad the smoothest teen and he is very handsome and he can dress good he is drip and a humble kid
Gotti is a person who sometimes heart less so if u break his heart
by Devonghne Dennis November 22, 2021
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vs " got to " especially when organized crime or criminal element is involved
I gotti make sure to get those ladies to sign these NDAs
by kikibueno September 13, 2020
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