One who's beak is made solely of stone.

One who gets himself firmly planted (uprooted) on the ground during a touch football game.

One who got pranked everyday in high school but was cool about it.

Stone Beak = Awesome
Davit: "Who is that kid on the ground over there?"

Si: "Oh, that's Stone Beak...Jansen just leveled him."
by Looped Out November 3, 2009
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(Canadian usage)

1)To be verbally insolent, belligerent or insubordinate;

2)To be mouthy to or backtalk someone;

3)To complain profusely about something.
"I'd love to dig a new trench, Sergeant. And if I thought you knew what you were talking about, I might do it."
"Are you beaking off, Corporal?"

"He's still beaking off about losing the election, and that was six months ago!"
by CplKyle October 27, 2007
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A duck beak is an extreme camel-toe.

If you want someone to know, discreetly, that they're rocking the duck beak, make a duck beak motion with your hands, like you're quacking.
Pavel: Damn, that girl has a huge duck beak
Damian: Wow, maybe she'll fix it if I quack my hands at her
by hamgurl February 6, 2013
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1.Can be used as a reference to cocaine or 2. can be used to describe the effects of cocaine on the nose.

Beak rot was referenced in an unlisted Frank Zappa song
1.I just saw that hipster buy some beak rot at the coffee shop.

2.Man, that hipster has some beak rot from cocaine use
by DetroitDiesel802 March 20, 2010
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Beautiful jigga boo beak fox nuts nipples
That dotter beak drinks water good
by Nose beak April 12, 2022
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To ingest substances, usually drugs, via the nasal cavity.
by Beakersworld January 8, 2019
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A hard piece in a chicken nugget from McDonalds. It is a tough piece of tissue that is inside of the nugget. It is disgusting.
Guy to Friends: "DUDE! I Just got The Beak in my nugget!"
Reply From Friends: "Ewwww"
by Matt St.Matticus February 22, 2008
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