When an employee follows a manager around like a puppy dog to avoid work or claim they don’t know what to do or how to do it.
George followed his boss around asking what he should be doing. He is said to be puppy dogging
by wordworm92 December 11, 2013
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Its when a car salesman lets you take the car home in hopes of you buying it.
by Tsundera October 9, 2017
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Becky, keep your legs closed, your dog doors are flapping in the wind!
by Onegirltwopups April 6, 2022
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When a mate tells you they taught a dog to do the one instinctive trait dogs do, bark. They also enjoy taking photos with dogs and loves to get up and about when they see family dogs.
Hey lads I taught me brothers dog how to bark the other day. Yeh you a dog fucker kient
by Ye mums ye dad November 6, 2021
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A clever way to say weed. Snoop is the weed dude. Saying "Snoop Dog Cigarette" is less likely to get you flagged on social media apps where the word "weed" is frowned upon.
Whatsup Tiktok, I was just smoking a Snoop Dog Cigarette last night and was LIT!
by DobbaPhoenix September 8, 2022
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A mannish boy/thot Most names are Deonta, Dee, Chris, Ken, Jay, && Etc
That boy is a hound dog
by MoneyMon June 21, 2019
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