A testicle cuff is a ring-shaped device around the scrotum between the body and the testicles which when closed does not allow the testicles to slide through it. A common type has two connected cuffs, one around the scrotum and the other around the base of the penis. They are just one of many devices to restrain the male genitalia. A standard padlock may also be locked around the scrotum; without the key it cannot be removed. Some passive men enjoy the feeling of being "owned", while dominant individuals enjoy the sense of "owning" their partners. Requiring such a man wear testicle cuffs symbolizes that his sexual organs belong to his partner, who may be either male or female. There is a level of humiliation involved, by which they find sexual arousal. The cuffs may even form part of a sexual fetish of the wearer or his partner.
A testicle cuff is a ring-shaped device around the scrotum between the body and the testicles which when closed does not allow the testicles to slide through it and there are benefits when using it.
by 1234567890abcdefghij June 30, 2020
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(n.) The presence of a third body in one's scrotum. Most likely cancer. Get yourself checked if you think you have a third testicle.
Douglas: "Neil, check this out! I have a third testicle."

Neil: "Doug, I hate to burst your bubble, man, but that looks like cancer."
by Blenderhead91 March 31, 2009
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A flat piece of plastic, wood, or other non-heat conductive material that is placed on one's lap to insulate one's testicles from the heat produced by a laptop, which has been shown to reduce fertility.
Yo man, pass me the testicle board, my boys are frying over here!
by Tom Craven February 18, 2005
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When a male or female loves to lick or fondle or just in general likes to play with the male nutsack
Dave: that girl there has a testicle fetish, she fondled my balls last night
Susy: I love to play with Dave's balls
by Testicle fetish January 21, 2019
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A ball-friendly girl that leads to you believe that you will be getting laid but then doesn't. Also one that brings you close to orgasm but doesn't let you finish.
Sally: "Oh you will get some later... if you are lucky"
You: "oh really now?"
Sally: "No not really."
You: "Testicle Jester!"
Sally: "wtf is that."
You: " It's new and it's you!"
by KevinKevinKevinKevinKevin December 2, 2005
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When two guys slap their testicles violently at each other.
Timmy and Jimmy testicle wrestled yesterday. Their balls are now black and blue.
by FurFactor November 22, 2009
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When his brought a bunch of apples for him, he said, "Oh boy! Buffalo testicles!"
by APPLE FAN June 27, 2009
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