to get treated. for somebody to come at yo head(smitty)in a disrespectful or playful way
Girl 1:Why yo shoes leanin to the side?
Girl 2:Damn man she just CAME AT YO SMITTY!!
Boy: Man wateva
by Mariah-Riah October 19, 2007
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couple of words you can say when fuck just isnt enough.
by Justin Beiber wanna-be xD November 6, 2010
A man with tits that every woman wishes she had. Envied by anyone with the XX chromosome pair. Even envied by some with the XY. Everyone wants the Joe Smitty titties.
"Litty Titty Joe Smitty is what I want inside of me."
"Dude, you see that girl? She almost has the titties of Joe Smitty."
by sassynipples6969 February 26, 2019
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Number 1! That guy in that one spongebob episode that has the retarded hat.
Whoa! You look like Smitty Werben Man Jensen
by n00b is my name July 6, 2006
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A term for slut coined by an anonymous interviewee on an episode of the Radio Rookies podcast by NPR titled, “Online “Shaming” A New Level of Cyberbullying For Girls”
“She was the sort of smut smitty skip skap skallywap.”
by maeinthemiddle January 31, 2023
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To get pulled into a booze and coke fueled vortex of a conversation that often continues late into the night or early into the morning.
I went to happy hour last night for one drink and got {Smittied} until 5:00 AM.
by Silky Johnson 69 April 28, 2017
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Smitty is a man that is handsome. He’s the type to marry and have kids with an Aquarius. He may be a little toxic but he will not kiss your ass or waist his time one you. He may give you a second chance in a relationship but do not question his loyalty. Smitty is on that type of time. He’s the type to slide down on the opps with his people. Smitty always stays out the way. He has money, he’s smart, and has a good sex drive. Smitty is a man with dreads and has all the guns. Smitty is an east side type of man. Smitty isn’t weak and would take your pole. He doesn’t play about his love ones he would blow your top. Find you a smitty his loyalty runs deep.
Damn I need me a smitty

I’m an Aquarius I need a smitty
by Naymarla May 8, 2021
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