Folks who enjoy drinking and socializing with others on their porch, often spending many hours doing this.
That house is filled with a bunch of partying porch monkeys.
by SnottyIrishman August 2, 2005
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A nigger that sits on the porch that's not productive. (A lazy nigger)
Hey porch monkey, get down from there and pick my cotton or I'll call up the klansmen and we'll give ya 50 lashes.
by Rigurousally September 14, 2017
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a term for a lazy black person who sits on their porch all day and sniffs their fingers, eat fried chicken and watermelon while the rest of the porch monkeys are out in the field picking the cotton.
by niggerlover125 September 2, 2018
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A derogatory term used to describe unemployed Portuguese individuals. Recently adapted to include individuals of many ethnicities, although favoured to refer to Afro-Americans due to the "Monkey" reference.
The original reference was to infer that these individuals would hang around areas, swinging aimlessly like a monkey.
"When are those Porch Monkeys on 5th street going to get a job?"

"If those Porch Monkeys talk to my girl again, I'm gonna roll on them."
by Mister Skin July 22, 2005
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Reinvented as a reference to college students in Kalamazoo, MI, who pass entire days and weekends sittin' on the porch.

(not intended to be racist)
"Maaan, we've just been a couple o' damn porch monkeys today."
by davis st. May 2, 2005
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1. A biker who enjoys hanging out on the porch with friends.
Race doesn't even come into play
This term has been negative for too long and can be better used for good rather than hate in this day and age.

2. "Saint Paul Porch Monkeys" is a motorcycle club in Saint Paul MN consisting of riders of any race. The "clubhouse" is situated on a porch and thus the name. The " Monkey" moniker is coined from the nickname of a rider in a motorcycle sidecar who must climb over and around the sidecar in order to keep the rig from tipping under heavy cornering.
"That Porch Monkey really kept the chair on the ground today during the Isle of Man TT race".
by drdusty007 August 15, 2009
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