Pleasure and amusement as a result of watching small animals perish in agony after being locked in a microwave oven (and set on high).

This strange personality disorder has been revealed and somewhat known amongst underground internet culture.
After his parents discovered a third dead cat in their microwave, Jimmy was admitted to intensive therapy sessions due to his microwave sadism.
by juiceCULT August 3, 2012
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To pop something in the microwave, and then leave. Then to suddenly drift back towards the microwave just in time to when it hits 0. Basically, to be able to tell when your food is done, just by your intuition.
"Hey, why does Joe always get his food so quickly?"

"He has microwave intuition"
by Volleyball Blaiser October 6, 2011
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Music (or a beat) that is made cheaply, fast, for the radio, or sales; generally not of high production, thought, and value.

Also referring to digital music production.
Question: What do you think about that new song on the radio?

Response: That song is terrible. That's microwave music.
by o t i s January 24, 2008
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A Microwave Bed is the latest in electronic sleep-intensifying appliances.
If you are a very busy person, a Micowave Bed is an essentlial piece of equipment. If you are working two jobs for instance, then using a Microwave Bed means that you can set the timer so that you can have 8 hours sleep in only half-an-hour! If you clock the BIOS, it is entirely possible that you could wake up, anything up to 2 hours before you actually went to bed and still feel refreshed!
by Daevid Carter December 19, 2010
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Describing our fascination with instant gratification. Cell phones, txt/sms messages, and email.
As members of the microwave generation we have become so impatient, we find ourselves standing in front of the microwave tapping our foot yelling "Come on 15 seconds!"
by ttljvl January 14, 2006
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a microwave family happens when a person marries someone who already has children. it's quick and easy, just like a microwave meal.
Q: have you heard that shaniqua got married?
A: yeah, but her new husband already has 5 kids. she's got herself a microwave family!
by sarahlh727 February 8, 2010
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