A saying used in cases of extreme emotion (i.e anger, excitement, sadness, and frustration)
-"If Penelope Garcia dies I'm gonna shit"

-"Who is that girl he's with"

"If he's cheating on me I'm gonna shit"

-"I'm so excited for Vampire Diaries I'm gonna shit"

-"I'm gonna shit if I don't find my yoga pants"
by SBFL September 25, 2010
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R- Truth: Remember, crap is crap...and tonight, crap is gonna get got!
by Awesome Truth April 4, 2012
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A statement normally used to express the fact that you aren't going to lie about the next statement.
by Reign January 10, 2005
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An answer in response to a bogus or non-answerable question, or simply a statement made in an inquisitive manner.
Bob: These fucking politicians all talk out of both sides of their mouths and really don't give a fuck about anything but getting re-elected.

Joe: Whata gonna do?
by DoctorVegas December 11, 2009
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Niggers are always doing niggardly things.
Brandon:Did you guys see the riots going on?
Adam:Niggers, I’m sure.

Nick:Nigs gonna nig.
by Bitchbitchnigga September 3, 2022
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When you are just so disturbed or repulsed by something that words fail to describe even the smallest bit of what you are feeling.
"Does she REALLY think she looks good in that skanky outfit?"
"Guess so dude, people are crazy."
"I'm gonna vomit if she comes over here."
by SQuiet March 17, 2020
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