Amanda: You Got Protection?
Sam: Ya, There's Nothing Wrong With A Little Gloved Love
by Seagulls Of Satan August 4, 2008
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When your work institutes an always wear gloves policy and everyones hard earned callusus and rough man hands turn baby soft due to always wearing gloves while working.
ever since my job's new policy forced me to use these felt lined gloves for working with sheetmetal my glove palsy has become terminal.
by kharnifex707 May 10, 2011
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a hinged storage area in a car, less prevalent since the advent of passenger airbags.
Hey Phil, could you please get the radar detector and FDs out of the glovecunt!
by andy1 May 26, 2005
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gloves with the fingertips cut off. sometimes seen on hobos, bums, tramps, etc. Often home-made (or homeless made in a hobo's case) all one needs is an old pair of gloves and some scissors. Some gloves are also made without any fingertips to begin with, but they are not true hobo gloves.
I just made myself a pair of hobo gloves out of a small pair of old gloves.
by brian March 2, 2006
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This frequently happens during sex when a girl is not wet enough. When you pull out, the inside of her twat sticks to your cock. Thus, the pink glove.
"I was fuckin this hoe last night, bitch was dry as hell, she kept giving me the pink glove"
by CharlesVA August 5, 2006
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made popular by singer Ke$ha, this means vagina
Boy come on give me rock stuff, come put a little love in my glove bag
by somechick04 March 30, 2010
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