When a water bottle meant for rodents inside of a person’s asshole
I was bored last night so I gerbiled myself and the bottle got stuck.
by Cyrus Peppercorn May 27, 2019
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A small furry animal belonging to the order Rodentia. Biggest rival is the hamster, also to the order Rodentia. The Gerbil is often most found in Hookah Lounges, and it's basic diet is vape smoke. You can also find the Gerbil under beds or other objects sleeping and or watching porn.
"Why is it so smokey in here?"

"Oh, my Gerbil just got a new mod"
by Abcdefg1234 August 22, 2015
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When you leave your Facebook up and walk away and then someone else writes something funny and messed up as your new status update
I left my Facebook up and left the room and when I came back my status update said "I love cock" Man I have just been gerbiled
by Dshaf1985 April 22, 2010
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A term used when someone's rancid fart smells like a small animal died in their ass.
Stan dropped a massive fart that choked everyone out in the car. Dude it's time to Change the Gerbil!
by will bitten September 13, 2017
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Originally Kevin the gerbil was (ITV's) Roland rats' best friend. These days it can be applied to anyone called Kevin. Although this conjures up the idea of a man called Kevin inserting a small rodent into his anal passage this is not entirely correct. Kevin the gerbil's are fun, friendly, and a bit of a jack the lad, they are usually the life and soul of the party
That Kevin the gerbil is a right laugh.

The first person called Kevin the gerbil apparently lives in the mountains of North Wales, although this hasn't been fully authenticated
by Rich the stitch June 25, 2012
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One who places gerbils into the body for sexual pleasure.
He puts gerbils in his rectum. He is a gerbil hider.
by llcalejr April 30, 2019
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when someone lets a particularly noxious fart, usually in a confined area like the cab of a fire truck, so bad in fact, that it smells as if the gerbils from Richard Gere's ass were performing a trapeze act while suspended from the air conditioning vents.
firefighter 1: dude! you stink!
firefighter 2: oh i know, i'm terrible today!
firefighter 3: JEE-sus! smells like a fuckin gerbil circus in here!
by dick dykstra March 8, 2011
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