85 definitions by will bitten

When you cannot get out of the shower fast enough to shit so you accidentally drop loaf in the tub. You must now mash it down the drain with your big toe.
"I had no time to jump out of the shower to crap out last night's tacos so I had to mash the drain cuz I shit the tub ."
by will bitten October 6, 2016
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When you fuck a woman on Red Bull like a jack rabbit
Dude took Rosa to the bedroom and went 1000 RPM on her Pussy!!
by will bitten August 20, 2017
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A chick that can pound down or shotgun a beer faster than any guy could imagine.
Rachel had 3 Tall Boys down her throat before Dean cracked open his first. She was a fuckin' GuzzlIna!!!
by will bitten March 23, 2017
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A term describing a set of breasts that curve upward from the bottom resembling a pair of Elf Boots.
The lady working in women's apparel had no bra section for ladies with Elf Boot Titties.
by will bitten December 19, 2016
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When shit does not work out as planned so you go with the flow after getting pissed up at the bar.
Slobodan waited for the call to go to the club later. His Drunk Plans changed after his homies said fuck Hamilton we going to Toronto!!
by will bitten August 20, 2017
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When someone has some sort of head trauma albeit a gash or fresh stitches.
Brenda couldnt help but ask buddy about his head dressing. "Dude what's wrong with your head!!!"
by will bitten February 10, 2017
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When you pick up the fattest girl of the night and she wants to become your girlfriend.
Heidi had her sights on Brad as her next boyfriend victim. He didn't want any girl that was needy or on Clingon Stage 5.
by will bitten August 26, 2017
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