According to a professor I had, it is an act which was done by some religion (I am not going to say which!) where the head holy man ritualistically sacrifices a virgin girl, then leaves the body out and the inards begin to decompose. once they are decomposed enough, they took the body out and have a ceremony where the head holy man would place his mouth over the dead girl's vagina, and his assistant would then stomp on her belly, forcing the rotten and decomposing innards out through the opening and into the holy man's mouth, and he then swallows them. supposedly the rotten innards would affect the holy man's health, and put him in a fever, where he would recieve visions (because he is halucinating) sent by their god and it would predict the future of the kingdom for the next year. i do not know if it is real, but my professor swore it was
by the Mad Shatter April 29, 2005
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Felching, The Act Of Drinking Man Paste Inside An Orafice Like The Anus Or Vagina.
Darren Indulged In Felching With Russel
by Anus Dwelling Hippy March 27, 2007
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not just to put a hamster up another's ass, but to shoot some cocaine up in there too for the hamster to get high on so it freaks out and provides more stimulation for the person.
For a successful felch, i purchased both a hamster and some rocks.
by waawaaweewah April 9, 2007
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The act of inserting a large tube up partner's anus; following a descent size hamster. Allow the hamster to explorer the rectum throughly.
A doctor reported that a patient's anus was severely burned, and their partner endured a broken nose. This was due to the igniting of a methane pocket in the anus, after light a match trying retrieve a felched hamster.

(Unfortunately, the scorched hamster did not survive.)
by L A Lara August 30, 2008
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The retrieval of sperm from the anus via suction
I watched this great porno last night, and after they guy came, they videoed the guy felching her, and it was so cool.
by Maxiboy225 February 21, 2018
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When the ejaculate is licked from the anus after ejaculation into said anus.
Trent was way into felching my anus, so I dumped him.
by A-A-Ron22 December 4, 2016
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The act of inserting seminal fluids into an orifice i.e. anus. This act must take place prior to a spelch.
Neal virgorously felched into Bob while stuttering, "Rrrreefund your ass!"
by Red Dragon October 16, 2003
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