It's a pretty decent anime in which a boy finds out that sousuke aizen is actually his enemy, and nel tu is the former third espada.
Pikachu: Bleach is awesome lol!!111!!
Crunk'd up Panda bear: okay
by Jackkingley January 19, 2008
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To feel "Spaced Out" ensuing excessive exposure to midday sunshine.

see also charred
"I'm good... just feeling bleached right now, I've been lying in the sun for the past 2 hours"
by |2ama July 11, 2004
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Something you drink because you're an asshole
Person 1: Drink bleach you cancerous fuck
Person 2: glug... glug... glug...
by 4ngl March 1, 2017
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Anything that pertains to or looks/sounds like it would fit perfectly with the anime/manga BLEACH, by Tite Kubo.

Many of these comparisons are identical to situations in the show; such as the outfits, attitudes and scenarios.

It can also be used when there is a problem or a conflict or even a simple statement that seems to fit the show.

These comparisons and uses will usually only be used by fans or people who have actually seen the show.
1. That shirt's so BLEACH.

2. Dude, she dumped you after you got drunk at the party?... that's so bleach.

(In the event that it's a conflict)

3. So he whacked you with a sword?!...that's BLEACH'd up!

4. Your boobs are huge! They're so BLEACH!
by HikaruDark June 3, 2007
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that timeless feeling after a night out getting wasted
bruv, i'm thoroughly bleached. ya feel to just cotch down today?
by Casper Valentino December 19, 2005
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(blēch•íng) ppv
the act of whitewashing one’s words, usually after the fact, in attempt to mitigate public disapproval, aka moving the goalposts, aka inventing the long story, aka out of whole cloth, aka changing his tune, aka telling us another tale
clorox spin retract withdraw prevaricate
“ You are just bleaching now; I heard what you said the first time”
“Stop bleaching, you liar”
Bleaching won’t save you, the whole world heard what you said”
by effinrit April 26, 2020
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That stuff you drink when you are a weeaboo (waboo) it also is a good way to almost kill yourself to get on the news and see if you can find your dad.

some people use it to clean.
That video was so trash ima drank som bleach!
by that dank ginger February 7, 2017
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