To be 'wifed'. To be unable to participate in any form of bloke entertainment, due to hassles from one's wife.
'Sorry lads, I can't go to the football match. I'm wifed!'
by Assassin August 19, 2003
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when u cant hook up wit anyone else and nor could he/she (your boy or girl) without the other being upset therefore making you wifed
Anne: were not going out though
Jake:yeah but ya'll are you pretty much are
by sweetie21 December 12, 2004
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As a wife you follow these guidelines

learn it, live it
by The Real Izzy May 7, 2007
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A great idea invented by women to suck the life out of the men they proclaim love for only to, within weeks of marriage, turn into a poisonous paranoid haridan intent on destroying everything about him she was supposed to love, the bastards!
I have a wife, that's me fucked then!
by Fon April 16, 2005
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something that Australia men obtain when they become too lazy to masturbate, and then regret it for the rest of their lives.
Bruce: I'm getting tired of stropping the knob five times a day, it's time I got a wife to do it for me.
by Sheepshagger July 20, 2006
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verb: when one of your friends gets married to a chick that is pure evil. The most common result of which is never seeing your friend again because his new wife has sucked the marrow of life out of your friendship. Used in anger, general despair, or for humorous effect when all you can do is laugh about the whole situation because it's so retarded.
1. Dude, he totally got wifed!
2. She's got him so wifed, he doesn't know his moose-knuckle from a pimply walnut.
or when marriage becomes a quickly-approaching cloud of doom...
3. She's wifing him, man. It's only a matter of time :(
by colin February 26, 2004
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Someone you can turn on when it gets dark.
Come on, wife, let's make some ugly children!
by PlayMakeReview February 19, 2022
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