When a man during sexual intercourse flips their partner upside down mid air and starts plowing them while said upside down partner begins to shit themselves in excitement.
The shitting of the partner forms a uneasy yet satisfying sensation that makes both parties extremely happy afterward.
The tipsy-twirly is commonly used to solve toxic relationships/marriages and help with mental stability
Man#1: yo me and this bitch did the tipsy-twirly last night that shit had me in shambles
Man#2: cap, u get no bitches
Man#1: suck my dick
by Giga-nigga booty blaster 33 October 17, 2022
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A thirst, or a strong desire for sex, to the point of uncontrollable behavior and speech.
"Bro, that girl told me that she was a fiend for my cock, I had that girl dick tipsy!"
by DeathbyLiving November 17, 2019
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This is the person at the party that is so drunk they can't stand up for long without falling over.
Guy 1: Check out tipsy mcstagger over there acting the fool. Guy 2: I see him. Hope he doesn't come over here. Guy 1: Me too. I think he went to Swigmore U.
by jimmybomm May 7, 2021
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to try and sneak somewhere when you are drunk
I tried to tipsy toe into my house and my wife caught me
by Windtaken423 April 25, 2014
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when you drink a utter disgusting mix of alcohol and become so drunk that one cant remember there own name or the events of the night.
"last night I was a complete tipsy trant"
"I woke up balls deep in holly"
by Scooby Dooby Dave January 18, 2015
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The tipsy tank is when you are getting a blow job and four red solo cups full of beer are poured on your penis.
Person 1: “ stacey was giving me a blow job a some then she pored four red solo cups full of beer on my dick.”

Person 2: “yea that’s called a tipsy tank.”

Person 1: “why do you know this stuff?”

Person 2: “DON’T YOU SEE person 1 I AM STACEY!

Person 1: “WHAT! BUT HOW!?!


Person 1 “darn you have tricked me”

Person 1 “… can I suck your dick?

Person 2 “sure”
by Pat the fat February 18, 2023
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