147 definitions by jimmybomm
The state of Michigan got whitmerized when governor Gretchen Whitmer used her executive order to close nonessential businesses. This was done in the wake of the covid 19 pandemic and it saved thousands of lives by either slowing or stopping the spread of this deadly virus.
When Michigan got whitmerized a lot of people were very upset. If they could work in the medical field they would understand how bad this virus is and see that she did the right thing.
by jimmybomm May 2, 2021
guy 1: Hey man do you see that hot girl over there? guy 2: I sure do. She's so fine. guy 1: I'm gonna get her to cap me off later. guy 2: Good luck bro.
by jimmybomm May 31, 2020
This is when a company forces its employees to get a immunization or be fired. In 2021 during the covid 19 pandemic a hospital in Texas named Houston Methodist forced all its employees to get the covid vaccine. Some didn't want it so instead of having those employees wear a N95 mask during their shift they fired them.
Shame on Houston Methodist management for their forced immunization of the covid heroes who selflessly put their lives at risk taking care of all the covid patients. Everyone should have the right to refuse to put something into their bodies they don't want. Remember the saying, karma's a bitch!
by jimmybomm June 23, 2021
The sign put on businesses that reopened after they had to shut down due to the covid 19 pandemic caused by the Chinese.
Thanks to the selfish Chinese Communist Party for allowing the virus to spread all over the world causing thousands of businesses to close. Fortunately some were able to survive and are now open again.
by jimmybomm November 2, 2020
Uncle Ray: I'm going to the coffee clutch and I hope my dirty pot licker nephew Joe doesn't show up.
by jimmybomm January 17, 2023
Guy 1: Hey man do you want to go torch one? Its monkey paw. Guy 2: Hell yes bro I haven't tasted that strain in years.
by jimmybomm June 10, 2021
Licking pussy. If God did not want man to eat pussy then why did he make it look so much like a taco.
by jimmybomm July 26, 2020