probably the bezt alchohol ever made. It tastes zo fucking good and you should buy it if you can, but only on dizcount because it is very expenzive. Ezpecially here in Denmark we love it. #zogood
Emil: What zhould we drink tonight?

Noah: hmmm i don't know

Kasper: OH we zhould drink bacardi razz!!

Emil and Noah: YEEEEEZZZZZ
by asianboy0987 May 9, 2023
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When someone is raging at cs but still winning.
Usually a good player.

Nice , you are so razz boss at this game!
by giucgiuc March 9, 2021
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found by the greeks, the act of fornicating a women (or man) upside down while snacking on raspberries
Tim: Didnt you and charlie razz tazz all night long?

Aaron: oh hell yea we did!
by tim-uhhhhh-the October 17, 2008
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It is a term used in sex. Basically when both parties are hairy (hairy dick hairy pussy) you start grinding each other when penetrated.When you penetrate each other and start grinding yourself.
Damn, me and my girl we did a reverse cowgirl and we both started doing the jungle razz. It then created a burning sensation, creating a fire.
by Gaboner April 22, 2009
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1. fifties term meaning to impress
2. to get freshwith someone
by 2haut4tv November 6, 2008
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when a bothersome or annoying situation occurs; something which aggravates.
"nothing razzes my nads more than waiting for my girlfriend to get ready for a night out"
by tonybotz January 29, 2012
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