After anal sex pull out your dick and stick it in your partners ear.
Laverne got an ear infection after getting a Brown Q-Tip from Papa Tang
by philiam8====D January 13, 2011
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The act of intercourse with a fat southern womans bellybutton and the male pulls out to find bellybutton lint on the head of his penis as he ejaculates on her huge stomach!!!!
Steven was banging a pumpler in the tummyhole and pulled out to find he had a Mississippi Q tip going on!!!
by POOKIE March 7, 2011
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The act of urinating into your lovers ear hole. Very popular in Southern China.
Josh: "Why Herro! Would you like me to cleanse you with a Golden Q-Tip?"
by Michelle Tanner September 4, 2006
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1. When you have that itch in your ear that even a Q-Tip can reach.


2. When someone has a constant urge to clean their ears with Q-Tips.
1. Oh my God, last night I used an entire jar of Q-tips trying to get rid of my Q-Tip insanity.

2. I'm Pretty sure she suffers from Q-Tip insanity. She won't go anywhere with out a jar of them.
by Gkoziol December 29, 2007
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(For men) The act of collecting semen on your finger tip after blowing your load and proceeding to give your partner a "Wet Willy", with said cum-drenched finger.
Amanda: Kristy, is that cum in your ear?

Kristy: Yeah, John gave me The Salty Q-Tip this morning.

Amanda: Mmmm. Sounds Hot.

Kristy: You have no idea.
by Brutes McGutes October 2, 2012
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busting a nut into an un-willing partners ear.
by chuck August 18, 2003
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A reverse tip drill where two, ahem, big, beautiful white women train a skinny dude while suffocating him (big and puffy on either end, skinny in the middle and out of air because of the weight).

Man, did you hear that Gheorge Muresan hit Roseanne Barr and Camryn Manheim last night? That must have been a Q-Tip Drill!

Man, them two big girls gonna Del tha Funkee Homosapien Drill that dude. I mean Q-Tip Drill .

by will dirt April 3, 2008
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