counting the days to your period to determine whether you will have it for some important event (vacation, date, etc).
girl 1: Ready for our all-girl cruise next month?
girl 2: Yes! I just did some menstrual math, and I won't have my period until we get back!"
by BillieGoat June 12, 2013
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A large portion of meat (usually beef) consumed by a female immediately before or during her menstrual period.

This is a particularly noteworthy phenomenon in women who usually do not consume much meat or in vegetarians who clandestinely indulge in monthly hormone induced carnivorous cravings.
A: *gasp* 'I thought Mandy was a vegetarian!'
B: 'She's on her rags. Give her a break!'
A: 'Ohhhhh... She's having a menstrual steak. My bad. I guess I won't mention it next time I bump into her and her vegan hipster boyfriend.'
by Mistertaz February 28, 2016
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A woman that backs the feminist movement to such an extent, but can’t see past the basic flaws in her argument or when she is doing the exact same thing towards men
Oh you're a feminist but believe a man should always pay for a first date. And then cry when you're told otherwise... You miss are a menstrual man muncher.
by NomadWordMaker January 7, 2021
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That time Thomas went to the yard to get some action from the buxopm engine that was having her monthly overhaul. He got some jelly.
Ohh hey! You seem to have blood on your face and some entrails. I see you are a man of culture , you got a menstrual cup.
by FoxeyLad August 4, 2021
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Ancient Roman Feminist Menstrual Dance therapy is an idiom referring in a negative way to supposedly useless or absurd college or university courses and often generally to refer to a perceived decline in educational standards.
The mandatory course "Ancient Roman Feminist Menstrual Dance therapy" was just another useless program forced on students by the progressive academics desperate to prop up their failing careers.
by sleepyAspey July 31, 2019
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dirt floored hut where women go during the periods. This saves money on feminine products and is a natural way to live.
"I need to go spray down the menstrual litterbox before the wife goes on her period again!"
by caspergdk February 6, 2022
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Eating pussy during the menstruation cycle after being filled with ejaculate
Cameron ate that girls menstrual clam chowder after she came home
by Bignz December 10, 2021
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