the act of spankin' it in the shower. Named for the character in "American Beauty."
"I pulled a Lester Burnham before work this morning."
by BlazerTXBOTL October 8, 2006
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To be paralytic drunk to the point you temporarily have Tourette’s
Hey look aqil is starting on a tree, he’s chester lestered
by Chesterlester November 9, 2019
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A big fat chimpanzee that takes your money whenever you get some finance ;)
Guy 1 : Yo dude remember you owe me a bit of money
Guy 2 : Nah bro got Lester's cut so im a broke boi boi boi boi
Guy 1 : Damn that shit tuff
Guy 2 : Remember to always pay lester's cut
by jkz capalot August 31, 2020
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Some weird creepy guy that helps you with heists and doesnt leave you alone after completing the prison break heist.
*lester crest calling*: If a repeat- *call ends* omfg stfu lester
by Montairplane March 29, 2022
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A black teacher that works at Saint Katherine of Siena grade-school . He is cousins with Mike Tyson and loves pigeon's. He also was the fastest runner in penn relays and the first person to eat at torresdale Burger King. He loves his students and dates Mrs Seeds
Did you see mister Lester? Did you here that mister lester is South African. Mr lester likes boys.
by ReginaTanghe June 13, 2021
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A guy that is rumored to be "bad news" but is actually one of the best people you will ever meet. He is an amazing friend to have and will be there for you no matter what. He puts everyone before himself. He'll cheer you up even when he's the one who needs support. He the sweetest guy you will (n)ever have the honor of knowing. If you are lucky enough to date him, he will treat you as if you are the most important and beautiful being on the planet. He knows he's not perfect and doesn't force you to be. Overall he is the best guy to ever walk the face of earth and I love him with every ounce of my being.
ME: Kevin Lester is my boyfriend.
FRIEND: He's cute
ME: I'll kill you if you even blink in his direction
by Ganeva_Dark December 26, 2018
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