A slang word for someone with very tiny hands.
The young boy had a pair of ryan kavanaughs.
by 🐺 December 8, 2021
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That sound you make when roughly clearing your throat
by Abadazed October 6, 2018
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To over dramatically pretend to cry in an attempt to gain empathy when credibility fails.

A tantrum thrown in order to deflect accountability for one's misdeeds & inadequacies, usually by an over privileged, entitled individual unaccustomed to consequences for their bad behavior.
Black Out Brett couldn't refute the growing mountain of evidence against his character, unethical behavior, questionable personal finances or even answer basic questions regarding law, procedure & the Constitution. So he went on this crazy ass rant about daddy's calendars & pulled some Kavanaugh cryin. How embarrassing.

Jenny straight up caught her man in the act screwing another woman. He thought his Kavanaugh cryin would keep her from dumping him.
It did not.

Everyone in the play group got a cookie, but Sally wanted everyone else's for herself. She started Kavanaugh cryin, screaming about being victimized & threatened to throw herself off the teeter totter. What a brat!
by Snappy Capricorn October 7, 2018
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The likelyhood, on a scale of 1 to 10, of a person being molested or assaulted in a given institution.
Sue "I got into Yale!"
Brett "You better be careful, I heard that's a six on the Kavanaugh scale."
by Teeeeeeerent October 2, 2018
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The Jerry Sandusky to Donald Trump's Joe Paterno
Only an equally disgusting and sexually devious creature would defend someone like Brett Kavanaugh
by Metallicajunkie October 5, 2018
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When you get so drunk you have to make a fake calendar to cover up for the fucked up shit you did 36 years ago.
Are they referring to me when they say "Kavanaugh drunk? I like beer. I went to Yale.
by Meatpoi October 3, 2018
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