31 definitions by your daddy


A place where homosexuals, aka FAGGOTS, live.
by your daddy May 17, 2003
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A high caliber pistol capable of blowing someone's head clean off their neck. The most popular type of magnum is the .357, most of them are revolvers, but some magnums like the .44 are clip-fed. Other magnums like the .22 are not as powerful as the .44 or the .357, but still they have enough knockout power to kill a human with one shot if aimed at the right spot(Head, chest, neck).
You can't survive a magnum shot. Trust me.
by your daddy July 3, 2003
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Like a slut, but with connotations of nastiness.
by your daddy December 29, 2003
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another name for a retard, short for Corky Thatcher (balding firecrotch down syndrome kid from Life Goes On)
1) Damn, look at that cork over there, there's drool all over him! 2) Dude, you're acting like a cork.
by your daddy October 28, 2003
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the skin between the ass and nuts on a guy, also known as a taint (because it taint your ass and it taint your nuts).
She was rubbin my chog while she rode me.
by your daddy October 29, 2003
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This is an acronym for Cock Devastation League, a group of men (and purportedly woman) who get their jollies by creating variations of the game "ring around the rosie".
"Jenna Jameson should be a poster child for CDL!"

"We were too busy at our CDL sausage fest to make the game tonight"
by your daddy March 12, 2004
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resist The Mist

you're gay-put the definition if you're cool enough to submit one anyway
by your daddy April 9, 2003
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