31 definitions by your daddy

A car driven by an ignorant redneck who cant accept that overly large engines arent needed to go fast. Often seen with faded paint jobs, non-existant interiors, and downright ugly drivers. For a domestic racer, starting the car is half the battle.
My daddy drove a ford so they must be good, right? Well Daddy is a drunk farmer who cant afford to feed his family. Does it seem like he makes good choices to you?
by your daddy September 5, 2003
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1. another word for bammer weed

2. my homeboy Ryan

3. Yogi's homeboy
1. Man, don't get any of that boo boo. That crap is bammer.

2. Hey Boo Boo, sup with the doja?

3. Boo Boo jocks Yogi so much, he steals picnic baskets in exchange for hummers
by your daddy November 26, 2003
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Like a slut, but with connotations of nastiness.
by your daddy December 29, 2003
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A rifle designed in the 1920s by John C. Garand, a Canadian. Once accepted by the U.S. Army, it was the world's first semi-automatic rifle to be in military service. It had a significant advantage over bolt-action rifles because of its semi-automatic mechanism. The shooter can shoot as fast as he can pull the trigger. In the late years of the World War II, Semi-automatic rifles were adopted by other nations, such as the Gewehr 43 of the German Army, and the Tokarev SVT-40 of the Russian Army. Both of these rifles were inferior compared to the M1 Garand. The M-1 Garand was deadly accurate to ranges of about 600-700 meters, and its maximum range was about 1000 meters. This did not prove to be a disadvantage because infantry rarely engaged the enemy at ranges of over 400 meters. The only drawback of the M1 Garand rifle is the 8-round en bloc clip. With this clip, the rifle could not be reloaded in the middle of shots; the soldier had to shoot off all his rounds before reloading. Also to add to this drawback was the loud "bing" sound the clip made when ejecting. Despite these disadvantages, the M1 Garand rifle was the greatest battle implement ever devised. The M1 Garand rifle shot the .30-06 round, slightly larger than the German 7.92x57mm rifle round, the Soviet 7.62x54mm R rifle round, and roughly equivalent to the British .303 round. The M1 Garand was the base design for later rifles such as the M14A and M14A1, chambered around the 7.62x51 NATO (.308 Winchester) round.
A carbine version was also produced for the M1 Garand in World War II, the M1A1 Carbine. It came in both wooden stock and folding stock versions for paratroops. It was a rather weak carbine, due to its shorter barrel. It was also a bit inaccurate, but its compact size and light weight provided mobility. It was usually issued to soldiers who are not in the infantry (truck drivers, supply and logistics), officers, NCOs, and tank crews. In the meanwhile, the M1 Garand rifle was issued to the infantry rifleman. With this rifle, the American infantryman always had the advantage over their enemy.
man, you bitches dont know shit about guns, shut the hell up and make up definitions on something else.

As 8 Japs came charging at him with fixed bayonets, the American marine dropped all of them with his trusty M1 Garand. The loud bing was heard by his comrades as the last Jap fell to the ground.
by your daddy January 23, 2005
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ADJ. foo`BAR

An acronym for Fucked Up Beyond All Reason. Used commonly for situations of extreme desperation.
Dude did you see that shemale that was all over Jack?

Yeah that was pretty F.U.B.A.R.
by your daddy April 19, 2003
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1:A Sausage or a hotdog
2:A Big Dick
3:An Insult
4:The Boss
1:I cant eat my Sauzech without Ketchup
2:My Sauzech Is so big if you put 10 people in a line I can smack everyone of them in one swipe of my Sauzech
3:What are you,A Sauzech,Help me with these boxes!
4:Im the Sauzech Around Here So you better listen
by your daddy August 17, 2004
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