127 definitions by westfalia

Something that is extremely timeless and will never get old.
Duder 1: "Ha ha I can't believe he stepped on that burning bag full of dog shit."

Duder 2: "I know, that trick is classic as fuck."

Duder 1: "All right, let's go, we got 15 more houses to hit."
by westfalia December 21, 2009
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A guy who has two or more relationships that share the same anniversary day or date.
Duder 1: "Dude our anniversary is coming up next week. It's the 14th. What should I get her?"

Duder 2: "14th? You serious? That's the same anniversary as your last girlfriend. You're an anniversary offender doggy."

Duder 1: "Dude don't say anything to her! She would kill me. She hates my ex-girlfriend."
by westfalia December 18, 2009
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When you very nearly get away from something or someone that would have killed you.
Chica: "My brother heard this loud bomb last night outside our house so he grabbed his shotgun and started down the driveway to see who it was."

Duder 1: "Are you serious? Oh my God! That was us. It was a pop bottle bomb. We were just messing with you."

Duder 2: "Holy shit dude would he have shot us?"

Duder 1: "Probably! That was one hell of a death escape."
by westfalia January 20, 2010
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Used to describe a person with an extremely good ability to retain information.
Duder 1: "Dude don't you remember? You thought that girl was hot in 9th grade, but she had really hairy arms."

Duder 2: "What? Are you sure?"

Duder 1: "Yea dude, that's why you backed off."

Duder 2: "Shit you're right. Damn your elephant memory."
by westfalia December 21, 2009
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Randomly and uncontrollably shouting out a quote from Chappelle's Show that has nothing to do with your current conversation. This happens quite often while talking to hardcore Chappelle's Show fans.
Dude 1: "Hey man, how did your date go with that girl last night?"

Dude 2: "We went to dinner then back to my place...'I didn't do dat Rhonda!'"

Dude 1: "What the hell was that?"

Dude 2: "Sorry man I think I got Chappelle Tourettes."
by westfalia December 8, 2009
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A person that was born in the US, but spent a big portion of their life in a foreign country before coming back to the US. Native foreigners tend to act like real foreigners with US papers.
Duder 1: "So-a I come-a to this-a country with $5 and I am-a going to a make-a millions rapping."

Duder 2: "Dude were you born in Italy? You sound so foreign especially when you rap."

Duder 1: "No doggy, I was straight born in Miami son!"

Duder 2: "Damn! You are one native foreigner for sure doggy."
by westfalia February 1, 2010
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Alternate term for the bloody days of the female menstrual cycle. Most commonly used in public places.
Duder 1: "Yo man did you get laid last night?"

Duder 2: "No doggy, it's marinara season."

Duder 1: "Oh snap! That sucks."
by westfalia December 18, 2009
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