46 definitions by tt

puffed up crow's cock

One who thinks that he can put the whoop shit on someone who he cannot. See also whoop shit.
On my worst day I can beat the stuffin' out of you, you puffed up crow's cock.
by tt October 15, 2003
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A mean spirited man with a penis that would rival any other fellow canadian
I got raped last week by proxosos :\ now i have a 5 foot wide asshole
by tt February 22, 2003
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Team Tight

A very exclusive highly decorated group of exceptionally talented, skilled, and good looking guys who have an intangible level of class.
Team Tight members are awesome
by tt August 21, 2003
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nitrous bob

One who is sneeky in the art of racing. He uses nitrous as an unfair advantage, even when he says that he will not.
Even though that dickhead is a nitrous bob, I still put the whoop shit on him.
by tt October 15, 2003
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B Dogg

Shoulda been a B Dogg, punk this is Piru...(Bangin' on Wax)
by tt February 8, 2005
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Fat Sac

A water filled bag used to add ballast to boats in order to produce a larger wake. This enables wakeboarders to get more air.
The Fat Sac ads up to 600 pounds of weight to your boat.
by tt September 12, 2003
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chump change

An insignificant amount of money. Money that can be easily disposed with.
Don't worry about that million, its chump change.
by tt February 16, 2003
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