538 definitions by tom

a barely peceptible sheen on the surface of a stringy substance in the light of dusk.
The word is used when describing edible trash removed from a dumpster for the purpose of dining.
"People have this perception that it's gross or dirty, but as long as you can see the meep, you won't get sick. It's a real feast".
by tom June 14, 2006
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diaryland.com, which houses free online blogs and diaries.
i keep track of my shit on diaryland.
by tom March 1, 2004
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l33tong band, anyone who don't like them are either gay or were refused their mothers titty as a youngster
Fred: hello i am kuni cos i dont like switchfoot
Jiminy: I agree whole heartedly my african american brother.
by tom March 9, 2005
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when somone is pissed off at another the may tell them sit on it and rotate it
I told jack to sit on it and rotate it
by tom October 24, 2003
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The act of defacating on the head of your partner...then proceding to give them a noogie.
Last night when my girlfriend was asleep, I really had to use the bathroom, but I instead gave her the Brown Bonnet.
by tom January 10, 2005
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Everything in the world that sucks/ fails/ pisses you off in general
Wow.. Rob really lags
by tom March 22, 2005
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A sexy person who love port vale
Hway bums vale, Hway is sexy
by tom July 25, 2004
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