The act of becoming one with whatever task you are trying to achieve. One dimensional. Tunnel vision. Grindin'. One who is "in my bag" has forgotten about all else except for the current moment. When you are in your bag you are unstoppable, you will shred anything and everything.
by SilkyMeatloaf July 27, 2019
I be in my bag when i get in the booth.
I got an exam coming up, it's time to go in my bag and study.
I got an exam coming up, it's time to go in my bag and study.
by Rashine May 18, 2008
by will beezy September 7, 2008
I haven't seen you in over a week!! where the hell have you been?!
I lost my job last week and I've just been in my bag.
I lost my job last week and I've just been in my bag.
by Nasihah February 28, 2008
in my bag means ur deep in ur feelings. u could be listening to music or thinking about boys or summer or just plain thinking
by beachgirl_ June 5, 2019
by flavortowncentral October 3, 2018