11 definitions by thebesturbandictionaryuser1234
by thebesturbandictionaryuser1234 November 24, 2011
Going to McDonald's and ordering the happy meal just for the Pokemon toy. You throw away the meal and just keep the toy.
by thebesturbandictionaryuser1234 November 24, 2011
A person that usually gets stalked by people named Karen. They secretly like getting stalked but won't admit it.
by thebesturbandictionaryuser1234 November 24, 2011
by thebesturbandictionaryuser1234 November 24, 2011
by thebesturbandictionaryuser1234 November 24, 2011
The day before black friday where people camp outside of stores and get drunk or high. They often try stealing stuff from the stores or other people camping out before hand.
by thebesturbandictionaryuser1234 November 24, 2011
by thebesturbandictionaryuser1234 November 25, 2011