16 definitions by sunshiyong

A typically French past-time
Claude: Hey Jean-Paul I'm bored what shall we do to kill time?

Jean-Paul: Why don't we go on strike?

Claude: Good idea, that sounds like fun!
by sunshiyong October 19, 2010
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They actually like Americans...sometimes a bit too much (slightly sycophantic). Filipinos are gentle often passive. They MUST eat rice with everything; it's like oxygen to them. They're full of D-R-A-M-A. They love singing, many are talented. Although development is lacking they are culturally more in tune with westerners than most other Asian nations. Filipinas are the most beautiful and loving females in the world....as long as you treat them right. Filipinos love facebook, forums, chatrooms and taking photos.They complain about their corrupt government but don't do anything about it. They cling to any famous Filipino or half Filipino that has ever lived or achieved something in which they can claim pride on behalf of the Filipino nation. Manny Pacquiao is current flavor of the month. They have a lot of potential but unfortunately due to their passive nature they have been exploited by other nations and sucked dry by corrupt politicians. Many uneducated Filipino women with no dignity are exploited in the sex industry by perveted foreigners who exchange wealth for favors. Filipinos are greatly misunderstood but they are a great people and should not be mistreated. They are usually either hard-working or lazy, they support each other. Filipinos are generous others are greedy. They like salty food and sweet food. Many are non-practicing Catholics. Many filipinos love computer games, TV, music and basketball. Filipinos strive for something better. They make great friends.
Filipinos are interesting and exciting people with many qualities good and bad.
by sunshiyong November 24, 2010
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A rare toilet phenomenon that draws crowds from all corners of the house and potentially the entire neighbourhood but keeps cisterns and pumps inactive for days.

An 'actual holy crap' has a golden glow. When one gazes upon it's beauty a choir of angels start to sing. However what really seperates this piece of poo from the others is simply miraculous.

An 'actual holy crap' unlike it's cousin the floater which just floats on the water seemingly walks across the water. In fact it almost skips!

An 'actual holy crap' does not have any political will but does have strong opinions on global issues.

An 'actual holy crap' may feign being camera shy but scientists have discovered they crave attention.

Sadly 'actual holy craps' have a short lifespan due to their abhorrent smell and suicidal tendencies.
"Have you heard about that angelic piece of crap on the news? They're saying the little fella walks on water and he has a golden glow!"....."Now that's an actual holy crap"
by sunshiyong November 23, 2010
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A slang term for the Korean language.

The name 'Yogi Chogi' identifies the Korean language by the way it sounds to a Westerner.

'Yogi Chogi' is also the official language of Pokemon and friends
Student: Yogi chogi, yogi chogi, hambooger deyyyy!

Teacher: You know the rules! No Speaking 'Yogi Chogi' in my class. English only!

Student: OK Mr.Teacher, I so sorry, me no speak yogi chogi
by sunshiyong October 20, 2010
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Term for a common Chinese person.

The nation colour of China being 'red' + 'lemming' a person with no originality or voice of his/her own.

One who speaks or repeats only what he/she has been told by the state. Excessively nationalistic. A tool. A cretin.
China is goood, China amazing, China wule da world!" "Oh great another red lemming.
by sunshiyong October 21, 2010
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That toilet deposit that just won't flush but prefers to bask in the bathroom light floating on the surface.

Floaters have different levels according to the amount of flushes required to make them go down.

Some people give up and leave them for others to find.

It is 2nd only to an actual holy crap.
"Urgghhh who left a floater?"
The floater is almost impervious to toilet flushing.
by sunshiyong December 8, 2010
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