8 definitions by slightly disturbed

has 3 definitions ordered in order of most common.

1) to want something really bad

2) a strong desire to fill your mouth with a liquid substance repeatedly until satisfied

3) horney, or being sexually aroused - primarrally used in association with women
1) im so thirsty for a new car

2) could be a code word =

3) that is one thirsty chick..
by slightly disturbed February 5, 2008
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the second best thing to use next to the bed ;)
lets go have some fun on te couch =D
by slightly disturbed February 8, 2008
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in referance to two people making out ...duh

commonly used through txt or some form of Instant Messaging.
guy: so later do u wana go hook up
girl: hah sure =
guy: =pd=
girl: haha yay =D
by slightly disturbed February 4, 2008
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the correct responce to someone in an IM or txt when they send you =p

this happening will result in =pd= ;)
- blablabla something something i win =p
- d=
- hahaha well ok if you want to =
by slightly disturbed February 5, 2008
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Carrot fondue is the act of vomiting into a woman's vagina, having sex with her and then having her fellate you.
Oh my god, Richard performed carrot fondue on me last night. I need to buy new sheets.
by slightly disturbed November 8, 2012
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obviosly a dude gettin a bj

more common in internet slang, IM, or txting
guy: =O ---
girl: lol you sick freak
by slightly disturbed February 4, 2008
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